What is SCENAR Therapy
The importance of good health is obvious and essential, which is why our services are designed to achieve results!

pain solution

SCENAR - Pain relief the easy way for lasting effect
Relief of pain from age, ailment or injury. SCENAR therapy is unique because it locates, measures and prompts problem areas through the skin to help relieve pain and restore function for maximum therapeutic effectiveness.
An amazing breakthrough in pain relief
Scenar therapy stimulates the body to use its own internal pharmacy to cure a state of ‘dis-ease’. When the Scenar passes over a ‘painful’ area it sends out a signal to the brain telling it that there is an imbalance, experienced as ‘stickiness’ on the skin.
The brain constantly monitors the condition of the body so will already know that this imbalance has occurred. As a normal process it would send bio-active compounds to ease the pain and begin the healing process.
Scenar technology was developed to “jump-start” the body’s own natural healing response, telling the brain that more of the bodies’ natural medicinal compounds are required to neutralise the pain and heal the injury. Using electro-stimulation on the skin a very sophisticated electronic feedback loop is set up and the nervous system sends a measured dose of neuropeptides, some of the most powerful pain relief agents that the body produces, to the site of pain. As the device is brushed over the area it continuously monitors the changes, sending messages back to the brain so that it is able to adjust the treatment accordingly.
In minutes the body has delivered sufficient natural chemicals to give plowerful pain relief and to speed up the healing process.
The ability to treat a large
range of pains & other conditions

The Art of Massage
From easing muscle soreness after exercise to reducing stress, dozens of studies, stretching back several decades, have linked massage with real physical and psychological benefits.

Rapid Pain Relief
SCENAR Massage Therapy is a unique and revolutionary treatment for all types of pain and injuries. SCENAR works in two ways to promote rapid healing and provide effective pain relief.

Beat Depression
Stress, anxiety and continual pain can make you feel depressed at times. A SCENAR pain relief massage can help lift your mood while relieving the pain.

A gentle therapy for excellent pain relief

SCENAR Therapy is a unique and revolutionary treatment for all types of pain and injuries. SCENAR works in two ways to promote rapid healing and provide pain relief, even with stubborn and chronic pain. SCENAR uses advanced medical technology to send signals from the site of pain or injury directly to the brain.
As the Scenar device goes through treatment cycles, you’ll feel a tingling or prickly sensation on your skin. This feels different in each place and between different Scenar devices and treatment modes. Some Scenar signals feel simple and very focused. Others feel complex and three dimensional. Sensations may appear in totally different parts of the body. Muscles may start to contract and relax apparently on their own. It is common for the pain to disappear in its first location, then reappear in another place, then another.
Occasionally the signal may feel too strong and the therapist will turn down the intensity. The overall feeling is of comfort and relief. People usually report an immediate reduction in pain, and often a total absence of pain in the areas treated, plus a feeling of relaxation and well being. Better sleep and moods are also common.
What’s so special about Scenar?
- Remarkable levels of pain reduction and functional recovery.
- Often able to break through where nothing else has.
- Non-invasive, non-toxic, free of side effects.
- Long-lasting or permanent results.
Many clients have told us that as a result of SCENAR Therapy, other chronic conditions have improved, for example; depression, anxiety, allergies, fatigue, hormonal disorders and digestive disorders.
Why? Because it works!

Scenar often rivals the strongest pain killers. This includes TENS machines which just block pain until the body adapts and the pain returns. The way that Scenar works generally leads to remarkably lasting relief. With chronic conditions, if the original cause is still in place, there may be occasional flare-ups but these are usually brief and usually dealt with in just one or two treatments.
Scenar is non-manipulative, non-invasive, non-toxic, non-addictive, and can be used with people of any age. Scenar feels tingling or prickly, but (generally) soothing.
Instead of blocking or manipulating the body in a forceful, one-way process, Scenar’s signals are being constantly modified by the body’s responses. Coached to repair itself using its own resources, the body will generally choose to do so quickly and deeply.
In principle the SCENAR (Self-Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulation) device works as a catalyst on the body’s immune system. The SCENAR reads the resistance level of the skin and relays this information to the brain via the skin itself. This accelerates the body’s healing mechanism through stimulation of the neuropeptides in each damaged cell. In addition the SCENAR could be used to treat individuals whose bodies do not repair themselves properly as a result of chronic illness. A classic example of this is suffers of fybromyalgia where SCENAR may act as a regeneration and pain management tool.

Conditions Scenar can treat:
- Arthritis
- Back Pain and Neck Pain
- Lower Back Pain
- Sciatica Back Pain
- General Back Pain
- Bell's Palsey
- Constipation
- Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
- Fractures
- Frozen Shoulder
- Gout
- Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS)
- Knee Pain
- Migraines and headaches
- Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
- Sports Injuries
- Tennis & Golfer Elbow
- Whiplash and many more...

is scenar safe?

It is very safe, the only contradictions are pacemakers and epilepsy. Scenar is very well researched and after large clinical trials and over 30 years of use in Russia, and over 10 years here in the UK, there are no reports of negative side effects. Scenar uses the most natural and gentle of healing processes; those in your own body.
Instead of blocking or manipulating the body in a forceful, one-way process, Scenar’s signals are being constantly modified by the body’s responses. Coached to repair itself using its own resources, the body will generally choose to do so quickly and deeply.
The scenar device emits electrical impulses at the same frequency as your own body. This means that the signals are in harmony with your body and cannot cause harm, in fact it does the exact oposite in ‘waking up’ your own body to heal itself.