fresh start health chichester

Indian Head Massage

The importance of good health is obvious and essential, which is why our services are designed to achieve results!

fresh start health


Relaxing Indian Head Massage

Relax your mind, body and soul with the benefits of Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage helps increase mobility and flexibility in the neck and shoulders. It improves blood circulation, lymphatic flow and aids elimination of toxins and is particularly good for reducing the effects of stress and tension.

Indian Head Massage has been practiced in India for over a thousand years but was restricted to the head and hair for many years and now because of the benefits it now encompasses the neck, shoulders and upper arms. Indian Head massage is a safe, simple yet very effective therapy that not only promotes hair growth, but also provides relief from aches and pains.

The head neck and shoulders are very important energy centres within your body. If you are feeling stressed or angry, tension tends to accumulate here. This tension can later show up as a stiff neck and shoulders, eyestrain and sometimes even hair loss. Indian head massage involves working with a firm gentle rhythm to help un-knot blockages and release this uncomfortable build up of tension.


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01243 514 158


The ability to treat a large
range of pains & other conditions

massage for pain relief

The Art of Massage

 From easing muscle soreness after exercise to reducing stress, dozens of studies, stretching back several decades, have linked massage with real physical and psychological benefits.

scenar for rapid pain relief

Rapid Pain Relief

SCENAR Massage Therapy is a unique and revolutionary treatment for all types of pain and injuries. SCENAR works in two ways to promote rapid healing and provide effective pain relief.

combat depression stress anxiety

Beat Depression

Stress, anxiety and continual pain can make you feel depressed at times. A SCENAR pain relief massage can help lift your mood while relieving the pain.

how does the treatment work?


The aim of an Indian head massage is to release the stress that has accumulated in the tissues, muscles and joints of the head, face, neck and shoulders. An Indian Head Massage works with the Ayurvedic concept, which, goes beyond the limits of healing and places emphasis on balance. Working on the chakras has a powerful effect and can bring the energy of the whole body back into balance.

Indian Head Massage involves massage and acupressure techniques manipulating the soft tissues on the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face. The effect is not just physical: it works on an emotional level too, calming the mind, promoting relaxation and relieving stress. One of the most common stress related complaints are headaches and 95% of the population suffer from them at some time.

Massaging the scalp, face, neck and shoulders relieves eyestrain, improves concentration, eliminates muscular tension and restores joint movement. Massaging the head encourages the supply of oxygen to the brain, which is one of the best ways of reducing stress. Oxygen helps you think clearly and creatively, the same effect is brought about through exercising.

Indian Head Massage attacks stress in an immediate way by accessing the physical effects. It also aids better relaxation and sleep, the lack of which is often a strong component in stress related illness, which can lead to more serious mental breakdown. The relaxation opposes the stress response and helps re-balance the process.

By working on Stress, Indian Head Massage has the effect of slowing down behaviour. Time becomes less important for the duration of the massage as sensual awareness takes over. Afterwards a feeling of being less hurried allows the individual to be less compulsive and more considerate in their outlook. Thoughts quieten and awareness is brought to the forefront.

Benefits of Indian Head Massage

Besides the calming benefits, Indian Head massage is good for:

Psychological Effects and benefits of Indian Head

A massage of any type is beneficial for your body, mind and soul. An Indian Head Massage is a great way to relieve stress and headaches while being uplifting. We can add the SCENAR into the mix if your neck and shoulders are crazy tight! An Indian Head Massage with a boost…

scenar device for pain relief